Continued from Part One: Cloud Figures
As we left off, I was starting to have what people would call "UFOs" show up in many of my photos of the sky, as well as very obvious figures appearing in the clouds. While researching the satanic CERN Switzerland opening ceremony, which features a man dressed as a goat-like Satan character, I later went outside to look at the sky and caught this:
Even though I had been catching all manner of figures in the clouds, as shown in Part One, this one really blew my mind. How was it possible that the character I had just seen on a video was suddenly formed in the clouds over my house, fur and all?
I began to share these cloud figures with my online skywatching group, and one day someone commented to me that I could get even more details of the Beings that were showing up in the clouds if I "mirrored" my photos. That is, you take a picture of the clouds, copy the image, reverse/mirror it and place it right next to your original photo to create a mirrored image. I already had a good intuition for where and when to take photos of the sky, so the next time I felt prompted, I took a series of cloud pictures. I hadn't had a chance to upload them yet, but they were on my phone with the intention of testing out this mirroring advice at some point.
A few days later, I had a really beautiful meditation in which I met some Beings that looked like bluish elephant humanoids with short trunks. The meditation was one where you visualized a forest, and went inside one of the trees which acted as an elevator to a higher dimension. So as I came back to the forest through the tree after meeting the Elephant Beings, there was a bear in my meditation forest. I was sad about being separated from the Elephant Beings, so I hugged the bear to comfort myself. And that was that. Typical meditation for me.
Later that same day, I remembered my cloud photos from a few days prior and decided to try mirroring some of them to see what I got. And I sh!t you not, this is what I got off of the first two photos I mirrored:
A mother-fvcking Elephant Being and a hugging bear just like I had seen in my meditation!!!!! I took a hiatus on mirroring cloud pics after this episode. The photos were taken days before I ever did the meditation, I just so happened to "mirror" them on the day of the meditation. How was it possible that Beings I had not yet met were already in the clouds prior? I was officially mind-blown. This was my introduction to how inter-dimensional Beings operate.
At this point I realized that the Beings I was interacting with in meditation were "real" in some sense, and were able to show themselves to me in this 3d realm through the clouds. As I said, I was too overwhelmed to mirror cloud pictures for awhile after this, I needed time to adjust to this paradigm shift. And eventually I accepted this newest addition to my ever-expanding reality.
I was already dealing with quantum harassment in the form of gang-stalking (TIs will be all too familiar with the quantum timing used to arrive just as we are exiting or entering an establishment, looking in a certain direction, performing a certain action, etc.), and had realized that the lights in the sky I was seeing were able to operate outside of our realm's space and time laws by using this same quantum timing, so I started to realize that this is the hallmark of a Being interacting with us from another dimension. Which helped me start to truly understand that the Targeting Programs are ultimately run by forces beyond this dimension, and with alien tech that is able to manipulate our concept of 3d space and time.
A week or so later, I had another awesome meditation (can't recommend meditating enough!) in which I was shown a reptilian (a race I've had multi-lifetime entanglements with, and who are behind a lot of my abduction and targeting experiences in this lifetime) who was Christed. It's rare in my experience to find Beings from these more typically negative races who have found and accepted God, but it is possible. I've met one Christed Gray hybrid as well. Anyway, during this particular meditation I met this Christed reptilian who was showing me a piece of his life story. In this scene, he was looking at a big book, an energetic representation to let me know he was scholarly rather than war-mongering, and thus was looked down upon by the other reptilians who judged each other off physical prowess rather than intelligence. But his occult knowledge was valued, and so he was allowed to live. But that's another story for another time.
So I had this meditation, saw the Draco looking at a big book. Well you're not going to believe this, I sure didn't. I go outside after my meditation to look at the sky, and feel compelled to take a picture of a cloud that was right above my house. I went right inside and decided to get on the computer and mirror the pic. And this is what I got:
It was the fvcking Draco I had just seen in meditation, and the way the roof of my house turned out after the mirroring had it looking like a big book, which he is clearly looking at.... Just like he was in my meditation. WTF! You can't make this sh!t up. He is a stunning Being, and one I still have a cautious relationship with to this day. An ambassador for his race working off some karmic debt by assisting others in ascending. The only positive reptilian I've met so far.
So I don't really know what to make of all this, but it is a real phenomenon, and I imagine anyone could get the same results. Somehow the clouds are able to be used by inter-dimensionals to reveal themselves in this realm. And somehow mirroring your pictures allows extra dimensions to be visible or something. The same can be done through, say, the leaves on a tree, smoke, water, etc. Really inspect your photos of anything natural, and you will see all sorts of Beings in them. And even more Beings will be visible when you mirror said photos. I have dozens of them at this point.
Just last night I saw a YouTube video in which a woman was freaking out saying that the leaves on her tree had formed a face and had telepathically communicated with her. This was after the arrival of "aliens" (I dislike that term- I prefer the more accurate "inter-dimensionals") in her life, which always comes with a lot of high strangeness and paradigm shifting experiences. And sadly most people didn't believe her, which is understandable. Until it starts happening to you, it sure seems like a bunch of crazy talk. But I wanted to tell her, "Girl, don't feel bad, the clouds are communicating with me!" LOL. I believe her. And I know how it is.
I've always been drawn to the story "The Ascension of Isaiah," and have found a lot of parallels to the Truths I have discovered through my own personal inter-dimensional interactions and experiences within it. As he is taken through the different levels of the Heavens, we can see that he is talking about dimensions. And through that writing, I discovered that what would be considered the 4th dimension is the "Air Realm" and if you were to stack them physically, it encompasses our air from the ground up. And what would be considered the 5th dimension encompasses what biblical scholars call the firmament. And so it would seem that these cloud figures are peeking through from a higher dimension somehow. And our skies here are able to reflect that.
Yet another interesting tie to the chemtrail onslaught-- perhaps one of its many purposes (mainly being to suppress rises in consciousness) is to scramble our ability to see these inter-dimensionals in the clouds. Perhaps it even prevents them from showing themselves. I can't say that I've ever caught a cloud figure in that manufactured chemical haze that they call clouds these days.
And as is also mentioned in "The Ascension of Isaiah," what we would consider "negative" Beings (nothing is designated as "good" or "bad" from a higher dimensional perspective, just necessary), are still found in the 4th and 5th dimension. There seems to be about a 2 dimension overlap within our perception here. Two up and two down. So we have 1d-5d bandwidth if you will. I have definitely caught "negative" demonic looking Beings in the clouds in addition to the angelic ones. There was a raging storm one day that had spawned a tornado which skimmed my property line. Lost a few trees, but not my home. But I digress. So after the danger of the storm had passed, I asked who was behind the storm and then took a picture of the clouds. And I got this:
You can see quite a few dark looking Beings in there. That's another thing about the cloud figures-- when you mirror them, you can see Beings within Beings along the center line like a totem pole. I suspect there is a connection between the Native American totem poles and this multi-dimensional stacking phenomenon.
Then as the storm cleared and the sun came through, I took another picture of a beautiful glowing cloud, mirrored it and got this:
I assume this "Beings in the sky" phenomenon has always been occurring here throughout history. But just as I couldn't see chemtrails until my Awakening, I also never noticed these cloud Beings until after my Awakening. As we grow in consciousness, our bandwidth of perception greatly expands. Open your mind and your spiritual eyes and you will never feel alone again! And as always, keep your eyes to the skies. The signs are already there.
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