Have you noticed how everytime you open your window blinds, the home facing your window suddenly opens their blinds too? Or how every time you go to leave your house, there's suddenly a line of traffic on your quiet road? Or how each time you go out to your garden for some peace and quiet, everyone in your neighborhood starts up power tools, lawn mowers, loud vehicles, chainsaws, etc.?
Have you noticed that everytime you look out the window, that lady with the dog is always just entering your field of vision? How everytime you walk your dog, the usually peaceful trail you're on is suddenly full of people? How each time you go out your front door, your next door neighbor steps out their front door as well? How that black truck is suspiciously parked across the street from your house again, with the driver always in it, just sitting there? How there is never a time that you are alone, unobserved anymore?
Have you noticed that when you go to the grocery store, and you pause at the trashcan on your way in to throw something away, how the person who was walking in at the same time as you pauses as well, only continuing to walk again once you do? And how they just so happen to be in every aisle as you, reaching for the same items as you, sometimes pushing in front of you to do so? But you also notice that they never put anything into their cart. And then they are lingering at the end of your checkout, though they have no items to buy. And then they walk out of the store behind you.
Did you see how your car now has cars parked in every available space around it, though the rest of the parking lot is relatively empty? How they all have temporary paper tags, or out of state tags, or vanity plates with words/numbers that mean something to you? And how when you get to your car, you notice that those cars parked around yours all still have the occupants inside? And when you go to open your car door, the car parked next to your driver's side suddenly opens their passenger door and then start fumbling around like they forgot something, causing you to have to wait to be able to get in your car? And how once you get in your car and you're checking your phone and arranging your things, taking your time in hopes that the vehicles around you will just leave, those cars around you all just sit there with their cars running too? And when you finally start to pull out, they suddenly start moving as well, getting in front of and behind you and lingering once again so you can't just pull right out? And then you notice that all of them have one headlight burnt out?
Have you noticed that the lawn care service at your home is suddenly mowing down your flowers and breaking your lawn furniture? How there is a loud, disruptive, never-ending road construction project going on in front of your house for nearly a year now, that never seems to be accomplishing anything other than delaying you, digging up your yard and cutting down all the trees between you and the road? How your important mail stops showing up, how bills aren't delivered until after their due dates, how your packages are missing items? How your phone keeps acting up and when you turn on your location you can see that it is being spoofed from a different location? How your computer and email and bank account has been hacked? How when you check the available wifi networks around your house, they have been given comically obvious names such as "Big Brother", "FBI Van" and "I'm Watching You"?
Have you noticed how the strangers around you are always rude to you, everyone is always glaring at you? How no one ever gives you the benefit of the doubt, how they don't just chit chat with you, but rather "interrogate" you as though they are seeking for something to be wrong with you? Like they JUST KNOW you're a bad person, but haven't seen you act in any way that supports this suspicion, so they are digging and digging for evidence of your perceived misbehavior. They won't be satisfied until they find SOMETHING that confirms their idea that you are a bad person and not to be trusted.
Yes, it's subtle. No, you are not imagining things. And while any one of these incidents wouldn't be a big deal on its own, when you are a Targeted Individual (TI), these things happen every. single. moment. of. your. life.
It's subtle because they must have plausible deniability. This means the torture must be noticed by you so that you know you are being attacked, but must be so subtle to others that you would sound crazy if you told them about it.
Eventually we catch on that something isn't quite right. Too many coincidences cause us to slowly realize, wtf, these people are here for ME.
Now this is a key point in your journey of a TI. How you respond will set the tone for your Program. You see, much of these antics are to gauge your responses so they can more closely tailor your Program to your individual weaknesses. Tread carefully!
If you respond with anger, fear, anxiety, combativeness, etc., it will be noted. And later used against you. Many believe the ultimate goal is to get a TI imprisoned, locked up in a mental ward, or to get them to commit suicide. And while I've no doubt this would bring the Dark Forces behind the Targeting Programs much glee, I don't feel it is the main goal. Of course they seek to dishearten, discredit, distract, derail and destroy you. But what is most precious to them at this time is DATA.
They are mapping reactions, gauging responses, collecting that precious data on how a true-souled individual will react to a variety of different stimuli and street theater productions. This is preparation for when the AI Beast System will control every aspect of every citizen's life.
You see, most TI's are chosen for specific reasons. Often for a uniqueness such as having psychic abilities, being genetically altered, hailing from certain bloodlines. Or being an abductee/MILAB (which you were chosen for due to the same reasons as the targeting). Or having family ties to military black ops and/or secret societies, both of which require your consent to them forever having access to you and your loved ones.
The test subjects they seek are those who are awakening, who are awakening others, who are blowing their cover, who have firmly chosen the side of Truth and Love no matter what. God Warriors. Christ bloodlines. Escaped MKUltra and SuperSoldier victims. The non-conformists, the whistle blowers, the conspiracy theorists, the black sheep.
There are those who may have crossed the wrong person and thus are randomly added to the list. But their most desired test subjects are those they can not yet predict, understand, or control. This is the data they seek.
Your absolute best bet once you realize you are being gang-stalked is to GIVE NO REACTION. No, this isn't easy to accomplish, especially at first. I remember all too well my early days of discovery, when I was wide-eyed with fear and paranoia, trying to tell my friend that "people are following me!" You can see how this looks to others. It looks crazy. Heck, we would've thought our friend was crazy if they were telling us this before it started happening to us.
It's one of those things you just can't fathom until or unless you are unlucky enough to have it start happening to you. Make no mistake, the day will come when it is happening to all souled-individuals who aren't "staying in line." And then they will know. But for now, you have to remember that you are not going to be believed by most, and you have to become comfortable with that fact. In this day and age, the double edged sword of technology can work in our favor-- we can find others online who are experiencing the same, and commiserate with them rather than laying all of this on a "normie" who isn't equipped to believe us, let alone help us.
No one but God can truly help a TI at this time.
We could focus on WHO THESE STALKERS ARE. But I can tell you now, after a lifetime of experience with this wicked Program, it does not matter who they individually are. It does not matter which alphabet agency runs them, which corporation pays them, which black ops group controls them. Ultimately your opponent is only the "Dark Force" that is actually behind targeting.
But I do believe identifying, experimenting with and documenting your perps is an important stage of acceptance and regaining some control in the early days of discovery. It can give you some idea of WHY you're being targeted. It's good to know why because this will give you a hint as to what you embody that they are desperate to stop. Which means this is exactly the mission you SHOULD embody. If Dark Forces are afraid you're going to do something that could expose them, that's exactly what you SHOULD do.
So go ahead and put them through their paces to see what they're capable of, what the parameters are, what triggers them into action, how you can spoof them. Record them, find out who they are, document their actions. AND THEN STOP PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM. It is imperative that you do not remain in this stage forever! Many TIs get stuck here and remain here for years on end. Please, do not allow them to become the entire focus of your life. That is their goal, and you do not want them to win, do you? You must learn to adapt and live your life as best you can despite the torture.
When you are ready, switch your documentation methods to more passive ones, thus reducing the time you spend actively paying attention to their antics. Rather than continuing to sit at a crack in your curtains with a zoom lens recording their every move (oh yes, I've been there), switch to a more passive mode of surveillance such as security cameras, car dash cams, and trail cams.
There is much question about who they are. And as I mentioned, after your initial information gathering period, it doesn't much matter. They are many things. Wicked humans, demons, reptilians, negative entities, sentient AI, it doesn't matter what you call them or how you perceive them. We all know what we're referring to.
They are a force of darkness that currently has control of this realm. Targeting is your own personal battle of Good vs Evil. They seek to understand, control, and possess your very essence, your very Soul. It is spiritual warfare at its root, and must be treated thusly.
And so, when these hired or AI infected or demon possessed or MKUltra'ed individuals come against you, and are seeking to receive some sort of reaction from you, GIVE THEM NOTHING. No matter which of these terms resonates with you, the answer is still not to give them what they seek.
If you're feeling it's an AI infection we're dealing with, then your perpetrators would be seeking data. They would want to know exactly how you will respond in any given situation. They would be mapping your biofeedback parameters (yes, we are mapped and monitored very closely) such as your increased heart rate, your adrenaline spike, your sweaty palms, your dilated pupils. They would be mapping your brain wave patterns to see whether their actions trigger a fight, flight, freeze or fawn reaction in the brain. Individually, they would learn "when we do X, she always does Y."
They could then feed this data into their quantum computing systems, giving them precious information on how to get certain emotional responses, how to predict behaviors and actions, how to deeply disturb a human, how to trigger them into fighting, how to make them fearful and complacent, how to block any unwanted behaviors in the future, etc etc. They could refine their predictive AI programs, their digital twinning experiments, their Internet of Things (IoT), all built on our very backs. It goes wayyyy deeper than this, but for the sake of explanation, we will keep it basic.
And so, you don't want to give the AI any additional data on the human race that will later be used to tighten the noose on humanity. Thus, do your best to GIVE THEM NOTHING.
If you're feeling it's reptilian/demonic, and the perps are in-dwelt by negative entities controlling them, then your perpetrators would be seeking your emotional and frequency reactions. They would seek to distract, delay, destroy your God-given mission. They would want you to sully your soul by "making" you react in a way that goes against your morals and beliefs. This gives them consent to then treat you the same way.
They would incite chaos and then feed off of the fear and negative energy produced. They would be attempting to draw your vibration down down down into a bandwidth where they have more power, more presence, more authority. They would be seeking to trigger your unhealed wounds and shadows inside, as these are the "open doors" that allow them to attach to us. Unhealed trauma is also the foothold they use to begin to influence and control our thoughts and behaviors.
They would want you in a constant state of fear, anxiety, hopelessness. They would want you to be paranoid of others, suspicious of everyone, unwilling and unable to connect to society at large because this does their work for them. A divided people are easily controlled and pitted against one another. No worry of Unity or Rebellion or Freedom cropping up in their slaves if they're kept under these conditions.
And so, you don't want to risk your soul, you don't want to be distracted from your mission, you don't want to be manipulated into becoming a bitter, paranoid outcast who can no longer spread Love and Truth to the masses, winning souls for the Kingdom. You want to be a peaceful individual. You want to offer Service to Others rather than Service to Self. You want to lead the enslaved out of the darkness and into the light.
Thus, do your best to GIVE THEM NOTHING.
If you're feeling it's "merely" humans in-the-know who are coming against you, perhaps the government and military, perhaps the Freemasons, perhaps a scorned ex-lover with powerful friends, well then your perps would be seeking your submission and compliance. They would want to shut you up. Silence you. Stop you from whistle-blowing. Stop you from unmasking them to others. Get you back in line, in conformity, in submission.
They would want you to make yourself look crazy in order to discredit any further information you may try to leak. They would want you to get in fights in public so you can be locked up. They would want you to call the authorities so you can be placed on yet another list. They would want to render you useless, ineffective, destitute, discredited, unheard and unseen. They would want you in poor health, in financial straits, in survival mode too distracted, disturbed and disheartened to cause them any further problems.
And so, you don't want to give in and become a weak, controlled, submissive citizen. A sheep. One of the enslaved majority. You want to be a strong Truth-bearer. A force to be reckoned with. A voice that is heard, trusted, respected.
And thus, do your best to GIVE THEM NOTHING.
Those coming against you are ALL of these things. Individually, we may have one group more in control of our personal Program than others, but it's usually a mix of all of the above. And that is by design, in order to keep us forever guessing, forever unable to pin the onus on a single group. You are surrounded on all sides, attacked from all directions. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically, financially.
Examples of Perps
(copied from Tactics page)
Secret societies, Satanists, covens, churches: Whether through black magic, possession, their own dark desires, or merely being fed disinformation, these groups can and will come against you in great numbers once you have chosen a side in this final battle for our souls that we are in. The Masonic "Silent Dagger" treatment is used against not only those who attempt to escape or betray the Freemason "brotherhood", but also against innocent citizens. Freemasons participate as perpetrators, possibly as an initiation into the higher degrees. Many of my stalkers have 32nd degree badges on their vehicles.
Neighborhood watch, neighbors: Extremely common to have your neighborhood/community go against you. Many believe this is due to their neighbors being visited by someone like the FBI and told you are a threat, possibly paid to track and harass you. But I don't believe this to be the case after years of documenting and experimenting with my perps. Maybe sometimes, but way too many people would talk if it were the main way they were being controlled.
More likely, they are used against you through a combination of mind control frequencies, possession/overshadowing by dark entities, and a black magic spell that I like to call the "Air of Distrust" which causes those effected by it to grow paranoid and distrustful of those around them. I myself have fallen victim to this spell, as most TIs have.
Military, Black ops: Most believe that their service is over once their contract is up, but unfortunately you are property of the government for the rest of your life, often unbeknownst to the one being used. And this extends to your families, friends, anyone you associate with. Many of us have parents in Black Ops that caused us to be targeted and used in a variety of ways since birth. But even for those that don't, they may find the military being used against them in their Targeting Program.
As the armed forces are created by textbook mind control programs during Boot Camp, and then pumped full of all sorts of chemicals, nano tech, experimental shots and more, they are able to be used in all sorts of ways without their conscious knowledge. Many discover large chunks of their service time missing from their memories.
For those of them that are aware that they are being used against innocent citizens, they may well have been told you are a threat to national security or some other such BS in order to gain their cooperation. Even if their conscience and morals remain intact, and they feel wrong about what they are doing, there is very little they can do to refuse orders without severe repercussions. Threats to their careers, their families, their freedom, even their lives can be used on ALL perps to keep them in line if they happen to have a pang of guilt crop up.
Government (DHS, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.): Seemingly the main perps. DHS is my number one stalker, and through remote viewing, I have seen that the force behind these institutions is Secret Societies. And the force behind THEM is demonic. If you go high enough up the chain of any of your perps, you will find that Dark Forces are ultimately who your perpetrators are, regardless of the corporation, institution, agency, etc. that is physically in use against you. Much of our actual government at this stage is openly and blatantly Satanic and fully controlled by the forces of darkness.
MKULTRA/Super soldiers: The mind controlled, soul fragmented, compartmentalized personalities of MKUltra victims allow them to be used (both astrally and physically) to come against the Awakened. Same goes for Super Soldiers (slaves) who have been astrally trained and enhanced in a variety of ways to be used for a variety of purposes. This can be accomplished without them having any idea that they are doing any of this. Mind control is beyond what the average human could comprehend.
Friends/family/coworkers/strangers: As mentioned in the Agent Smith category, all vessels around you that remain unaware and unprotected can and will be utilized by Dark Forces. The entry point into a human for a demonic/negative entity is through their open wounds. And we're not talking about paper cuts. We're talking deep, dark soul wounds that most people are unaware even exist in them. The only way to prevent yourself from being controlled and used against others by these Dark Forces is to DIG DEEP, find, face and release your traumas. As long as you still have any festering wounds, they can be triggered, manipulated and exploited in order to cause emotional responses in you that can cause you to act out of character, be impulse driven, lash out at others, or become blinded to the reality of an interaction.
Clones, hybrids, holograms: Believe it or not, these things are real and are well beyond what you could possibly fathom. They are nearly impossible to tell apart from real souled humans, though if you are psychically sensitive to energy, they stand out like sore thumbs. All can be used against the Awakened Ones, either of their own volition, or by being open vessels able to be inhabited by the Dark Forces that are actually behind gang stalking.
Addicts, homeless, "open doors", "AI infected": These groups of people are often used and abused in a variety of ways due to their circumstances. Unfortunately their vessels are often not cleansed and protected, so they are able to be overshadowed by Dark Forces and controlled like puppets.
Demonics, "Aliens", inter-dimensionals: Coming soon!
So how, you may ask, do they get such seemingly varied groups to unite against us in this manner?
Because there is a Force that is greater than all of them combined. The Queen at the center of the hivemind controlling the actions of her collective. The Eye at the very top of the pyramid overseeing all the layers below it. The Wizard behind the curtain. The Controller holding the strings of the marionette.
We likely won't all agree on a title for this Force, this darkness, this evil. But titles are unimportant. Know that our battle is not with the flesh and blood perpetrators that are in our faces. Our battle is with this Force. And it holds all knowledge of all things we have done in the past through all dimensions and all iterations, all things we are doing now, and all things we are going to potentially do in the future.
And there is no way for our human selves to physically or mentally comprehend or combat a Force this large.
But our souls, our spirits have full power and authority over these creatures of darkness. And a True Soul is fully capable of outsmarting, outliving and outcompeting this Force.
Consider this line that was told to me early on in my journey:
It is better to be the Watched than the Watcher.
Really think about that. I had to. At first I took some offense to it. But when I grasped it, it became my mantra.
They are living their entire lives through watching us live ours. Would you rather be the one observing someone else living their life? Or would you rather be the one who's out there living their life regardless of who is watching?
Yes, technology is utilized against us. Yes, corporations are used against us. Yes frequency and electronic warfare is used against us. Yes, the medical system, financial system, education system are turned against us. Yes, authorities and citizens, neighbors and friends, family and lovers are used against us. Yes, the government and the military and the police force and the firehouse and the mailman and the landlord and your boss will come against you.
Yes we are tortured, tracked, monitored, poisoned, attacked, surveilled, soul-raped, stalked, prodded, poked and controlled down to the finest detail.
But guess what? We are SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN THEY ARE, and our day WILL COME.
Never forget my favorite line: If they are teaming up to go against you, you must understand how powerful you are by yourself.
They seek to possess something you have, to understand and dissect and reverse engineer something you have. It is something they can never have, and that one thing is a True Soul. A Soul that is able to access the endless knowledge, endless love, endless energy that is the birthright of all souled individuals. The technologies, creatures, sold-out humans, dying-out bloodlines that come against us can never possess a True Soul that is firmly connected to the Source of all Creation. But in order to survive, they have no choice but to steal the life force, the knowledge, the energy and actions of the soulled individuals. And soulled individuals are in short supply these days.
By attempting to map us out down to the finest detail, they are attempting to gain control over a quickly awakening population. An awakened population means their demise. And so, they are literally fighting for their lives. No evil deed is off limits in their quest to dominate and control our future.
In their arrogance, they believe they can prevent humanity from vibing right up and out of their bandwidth of control. Prevent us from catching onto them, and thus stopping them.
And so all of their experiments on us, all of their watching and documenting and testing and predicting, all of their combined desires to understand HOW is this person still able to smile, to function after all we have thrown at them?? WE MUST LEARN THEIR SECRET.
Over and over it will only ever lead them to one final answer: God.
Here is some advice on how to GIVE THEM NOTHING:
Pay them no attention, give them no emotional response, remain calm and collected in all situations. I treat them politely if I'm forced to interact with them. Same as I would anyone else, though I do keep my guard up.
If they are tail-gating me, I simply pull over and allow them to pass.
If they are stalking me on a hiking trail, I simply go off trail and have a backcountry hike instead.
If they are openly recording me with their phones (yes this happens.. lol), I simply ignore them and go on about my business.
If they are flashing their bits at me and making rude sexual gestures and comments (also has happened.. lol), I take a gander, laugh, and then continue on about my business.
You see, NOTHING is worth giving away your peace for. Stay dignified. Handle the torture with all the Grace you can muster.
It will not change their behavior for you to yell, threaten, cry, etc. In fact, it will only guarantee that whatever tactic they were using at the time of your emotional response will be added into your rotation even more frequently.
Try to save the emotional reactions for when you are safely at home and can release the emotional pressure in a healthy way.
Be unpredictable! Take different routes each day, don't broadcast your plans, turn off GPS, make last minute changes to your itinerary, remain ever spontaneous.
If you're out driving and notice them tailing you, distract your brain by singing, listening to music/podcasts/sermons, reciting the Declaration of Independence if you must.
Put on a hat, sunglasses and headphones if you're out on a walk and notice perps following you. They are hoping to catch your eye or ear-- don't let them. Pay them no mind.
When the neighbors start up with their shenanigans while you're at home, consider taking a bath, cooking a healthy meal, losing yourself in a video game, calling your Grandma to redirect your mind and maintain your peace.
The goal is to keep your brain focused on something other than the harassment that is taking place. Where our attention goes, our energy flows. Energy is the currency they seek. Don't give it to them. Starve those mofos.
Learn to control your emotional responses through meditation, breathing exercises, faith in God, whatever it takes. When you can feel your body remaining calm, not having that adrenaline spike when you notice a perp, when you feel nothing more than mild annoyance or curiosity, then you will know you have escaped their grip.
Heal inner trauma. This is an absolute must. Research shadow work and fully commit and dedicate yourself to performing it. Our unhealed inner wounds are the footholds, the nests, the triggers that allow us to be manipulated, controlled and possessed by these forces.
Detox! Many have found relief from their targeting by cleansing their vessels to a high degree. Detox of heavy metals, nano tech, fluoride, processed food, all of it! Details on the Health page.
Gang-stalkers are the modern-day Pharisees who have been stalking, harassing and intimidating Godly humanity since the beginning. The Synagogue of Satan. The Hylics of the Gnostic texts. The zombies of the apocalypse. The vampires come to suck us dry. The paparazzi of the souled individuals, watching and documenting our every move.
They are the deformed mirror, the reflection, the inverse of the biblical locusts. They are wicked locusts sent to torment the Souled Individuals.
But they are Blind Locusts.
For what they do not yet know, do not yet see, is that the TRUE Locusts of God's army are putting on their armor. Are completing their metamorphosis. And their time to descend on the wicked draws very near.
Do not send negative thoughts or energy towards your attackers when at all possible. Do not physically retaliate unless under immediate threat. Make sure you are strongly protected spiritually. All things come back to us, especially in these days of the quickening. In many cases, our perps are being used like puppets. Many are completely unaware that they are being misused to be sent against innocent citizens. For those that recognize they are tracking you as a target, they may well have been blackmailed, mind controlled, or lied to about your character and intent (e.g. being told you are a threat to national security). The majority of the population at this stage is easily influenced, deceived, possessed and controlled by the multi-dimensional forces of darkness and anti-Christ AI technology that has temporary dominion over this realm. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." -Ephesians 6:12
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